Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Connect the Dots

Somebody stole my idea for a super-accessible site of basic facts busy people need to know about important issues in the political process:

Looks like they stole the idea even before I had it, the crafty bastards. (Thank gawd. Making all those charts looks like a lot of work.) Here I was sitting at the Take Back the American Dream conference, obsessing over accessibility and attention and how to reach people outside the echo chamber, and then boom, I see a flyer for this.

It's a promising start, in any case.


So, funny story -- I'm now actually being paid to blog. 

I am a staff writer covering politics and sundry things at Campus Progress.

Some of you might be checking this out from the link in my bio. No, it's ok, go ahead and look at when my last post was. 

I KNOW, right??

Anyway, linking to this in a public place shamed me into at least thinking about updating it more often. And in the course of blogging professionally I seem to get more ideas for things to blog about personally. There are some shiny objects on the AP-style cutting room floor.